
Anti-COVID19 Safety Standards

Anti-COVID19 Safety Standards

From June 19th Hotel La Palma and Sky Bar reopen their doors to their guests.

We arrived to make this decision without haste, and only after having received the regional and national security protocols. This is because for us health and social responsibility come before any other reasoning.

We have chosen to start this season, only after taking the time to organize ourselves, to make sure that we can offer our guests a peaceful stay, in full compliance with all the precautions required by the current healthcare situation.

These are the main extraordinary measures that will be taken from day one in our hotel:

  • Access to the hotel will be restricted and regulated by our staff;
  • The use of the lifts will be allowed, with mask obligation, to more than two people only in case of belonging to the same family unit;
  • In respect of the social distancing we have repositioned tables and seats throughout the structure (at least 1m distance between each seat);
  • The consumption of food and drinks at the restaurant, bar, swimming pool or Sky Bar will be allowed only at the table;
  • Our SPA, the Fitness Area and the Sky Pool will remain closed and cannot be used by our clients until further notice;
  • The menus will not be distributed in paper version, but will be posted and made available online on your mobile phone;
  • We have placed stations for hands disinfection at the entrance of the structure and in every common area;
  • Every object supplied in use to the guest will be sanitized before and after use by our staff;
  • Daily sanitization will be provided and cleaning services will be enhanced (minimum 2 times a day in common areas);
  • The air conditioning system will be subject to periodic extraordinary cleaning;
  • In the common areas natural ventilation will be guaranteed several times during the day;
  • All our staff will use protective devices and is in charge of monitoring compliance with the obligation to use masks by guests in the common areas, with the sole exception of when they are seated at the table;
  • A multilingual information signage has been set up at various points in the hotel to remind all guests of the rules to be respected (following the Safe Hospitality project by the Federation of Italian Hotels and Tourism Associations);
  • Our staff has been trained and sensitized to verify the respect of the indicated precautions by each person present in the structure;
  • Body temperature can be detected, preventing access in case of temperature above 37.5 degrees.

With regard to the above, we would like to underline that our hotel, even in this phase, has privileged the purchase of Italian products and technology.

We are convinced that by respecting these simple rules, together, we will be able to ensure to our guests again this year a peaceful, relaxing and safe stay.

We are waiting for you to create magnificent memories of this 2020 season.

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